Solar rooftop systems size limits.

Published by firstgreen on

How much your discom allows you to connect the capacity of a solar rooftop system?

The upper size limit of your solar rooftop system is not only decided based on your roof area as well as your energy consumption profile, it is 50% of sanction load in Jammu and Kashmir, but also decided based on the applicable restrictions imposed on you by your local Discom.

This article highlights the issues related to the upper limit of your solar roof top system which is decided by you are local discom regulations.

If you are considering installing a typical 5 kW system on your rooftop to meet your energy requirement and if your connection from Discom as a contact amount of 10 kilowatt only in that case the discom may allow you maximum up to 50% of your contact amount. Here are some of the guidelines of beat upper limit of your solar roof top system which can be installed by the consumer in Jammu and Kashmir UT.

  1. The maximum capacity of rooftop solar system shall not exceed 50% of the sanctioned load of the consumer.
  2.  A single eligible consumer shall not install capacity less than 1 kWp and shall not exceed 1MWp (AC side).
  3. The cumulative capacity of rooftop solar system to be allowed to a particular distribution transformer shall not exceed 20% of the rated capacity of the distribution transformer.

Sometime we come to a situation when you actually want to install larger capacity as compare to your contact month in this situation you have to approach your local discom for increase in the contracted demand capacity so that you can install an appropriate size of solar rooftop system to meet your energy demand.

Traditionally electricity great was designed to work unidirectional Energy meter and with larger penetration of solar rooftop system the rule of game have changed and electricity systems are now to adopt the reverse floor of electricity generated from its consumers. The main reason for putting this limit to the upper capacity of the rooftop solar system is to maintain the safe operation of your grade and handle the pilot bi-directional flow of electricity.