Step-by-step procedure to comply with IGBC’s net zero water certification requirements

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To comply with the IGBC Net Zero Water certification requirements, you need to follow the below step-by-step procedure:

  1. MR1 – Water Management System:
  • Provide a detailed description of water meters installed for various usages, along with cut sheets/specifications.
  • Submit purchase invoices/photographs of the installed meters.
  • Provide a single line diagram (SLD) highlighting the location of the water meters installed.
  • Submit the water balance of the project and water performance data
  1. CR1 – Water Efficient Fixtures:
  • Provide the specification/cut sheet of water fixtures, including closet, faucet/health faucet/tap, shower, urinals, faucet installed in the kitchen, etc. The flow rate shall be measured at 3 bar pressure.
  • Submit the purchase order and photographs of water fixtures installed.
  1. CR2 – Water Efficient Landscape & Irrigation System:
  • Submit the landscape plan highlighting the location and name of native/adaptive species.
  • Provide a detailed description of the efficient irrigation measures implemented in the facility, like time-based controller for the valves, central shutoff valve, automated irrigation system, drip irrigation for at least 50% of the landscape area, pressure regulating device(s) to maintain optimal pressure, and using 100% alternate water for irrigation.
  • Provide calculations to demonstrate the percentage of landscape area provided with native/drought-tolerant/adaptive species and the percentage of landscape area provided with turf.
  1. CR3 – Advanced Water Management System:
  • Provide a snapshot of the water performance system (water dashboard).
  • Provide details of annual water performance (monitored on a daily/monthly basis).
  • Submit the water balance of the project to show water usage for various end-uses such as total raw water intake, potable water use, non-potable water quantity and quality, total quantity of treated water, rainwater collected, etc.
  1. Harness Alternate Water Credit:
  • MR1 – Wastewater Treatment:
    • Provide a detailed description (along with specifications) of the wastewater treatment.
    • Submit the purchase invoice and photographs of the wastewater treatment system.
    • Provide a test report of the treated water quality. Received
  • MR2 – Rainwater Harvesting Roof & Non-roof:
    • Provide a rainwater harvesting design which shall include roof catchment gutters, downpipes rainwater/stormwater drains, trenches, filter chamber, storage tanks/pits/sumps.
    • Submit a site plan highlighting the location of the RWH system (tank/recharge pit/pond).
    • Provide rainwater harvesting calculation and photographs of the RWH system installed at the project.
  • CR – Percentage Use of Alternate Water:
    • Provide the capacity and type of wastewater treatment plant installed.
    • Submit the total quantity of rainwater collected and wastewater treated (recycled water) of the facility.
    • Provide a calculation indicating the percentage of alternative water used in the project to the total water consumption of the project.
  1. Return Water Back to Source Credit:
  • CR – Water back to source for Useful Purpose:
    • Submit a calculation indicating the percentage of water given back to the source for a useful