Unlocking the Potential of Article 6 in Climate Mitigation: A Deep Dive into Enhanced Ambitions and Economic Efficiency

As we delve into the world of carbon markets and climate mitigation, the importance of the Paris Agreement and its components, particularly Article 6, cannot be overstated. This provision paves the way for countries to accomplish their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the most economically efficient manner. Carbon Markets: The Read more…

Maximizing Climate Ambitions: Unveiling the Potential of Article 6 in NDC Implementation

At the confluence of rigorous research and comprehensive analysis, the University of Maryland and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have produced an enlightening paper. This work, titled “How much could Article 6 enhance Nationally Determined Contribution ambition toward Paris Agreement goals through economic efficiency?” was proudly presented in the Climate Read more…

Five Tips for Buying Carbon Credits

Climate change is a looming global challenge that needs our immediate attention. It is vital that everyone, including individuals and corporations, contribute to alleviating the impact. One effective tool to help achieve this is the purchase of carbon credits. But what are carbon credits? In simple terms, a carbon credit Read more…

The firstgreen net zero practice

Carbon Neutrality Being carbon neutral means that through a combination of reducing and offsetting carbon emissions, your net contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere is zero. This can seem like a daunting task at first. Many people have concerns about how practical or economically feasible carbon neutrality is for Read more…

How past financial commitments on the environment by developed countries have panned out, what are some of the specific concerns which should be addressed, while proposing a global fund for climate and biodiversity?

Past financial commitments towards environmental initiatives by developed nations have often come under scrutiny due to issues related to their implementation, delivery, and overall effectiveness. In designing a global fund for climate and biodiversity, the following concerns should be addressed: