Decarbonizing the Power Sector: An Ambitious Path to 2050

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Decarbonising the Power Sector: An Ambitious Path to 2050

In the epoch of global climatic challenges, decarbonizing the power sector remains a paramount ambition. By 2050, the electricity realm should ideally be purged of its carbon footprints. With renewables leading the charge, an increased emphasis on energy efficiency, and power systems undergoing transformation, this is not only a vision but a tangible reality.

Projected Growth in Electricity Consumption

By 2050, under the REmap Case, we foresee a staggering 130% spike in electricity consumption in end-use sectors. To put numbers into perspective, we’re talking of over 55,000 TWh, a noteworthy surge when benchmarked against 2016 levels.

The Renewable Energy Frontier

When we cast our eyes towards 2050, the generation of power will predominantly sing the tune of renewable energy. With a projected 86% share, this is a leap from the modest 26% estimate of 2018. The metrics are even more awe-inspiring when we look at the annual additions. Renewable power capacity would add over 600 gigawatts (GW) annually, and the clear champions of this growth story will be solar and wind technologies, accounting for a whopping 84% of the additions.

Solar and Wind – The Transformation Leaders

The growth trajectory for both solar and wind energy remains steep and promising. Starting from a base of around 514 GW for wind and 385 GW for solar photovoltaic (PV) in 2017, these figures are poised to skyrocket. By 2050, we’re looking at over 6,000 GW for wind and an impressive 8,500 GW for solar PV.

Emerging Stars: Geothermal, Bioenergy, and Hydropower

While solar and wind steal the limelight, the underdogs in the renewable sector – geothermal, bioenergy, and hydropower – will also witness robust growth. The era of decentralised renewable power generation is upon us, as it’s set to grow from a mere 2% of total generation today to nearly a quarter by 2050.

Investment Landscape

To turn this vision into reality, funding remains the linchpin. Investment in new renewable power capacity needs to be ramped up to over USD 650 billion annually till 2050. In addition, infrastructural transformation to achieve an 86% renewable share would demand another USD 350 billion each year, summing up to USD 12 trillion from 2016 to 2050. In totality, to decarbonise the power system, a staggering average of nearly USD 1 trillion per annum is the target leading up to 2050.

Policy: The Catalyst for Transformation

However, hurdles remain, and the roll-out of renewables in the power sector is not without its set of challenges. To fast-track this transformation, policy reinforcements are vital. A plethora of strategies ranging from financial incentives, pricing tools, quotas, obligations, to even voluntary programs could be instrumental in driving this change.


As we stand at the cusp of an energy revolution, the road to 2050 appears not only green but also electrified with possibilities. Renewable energy is not just an alternative, but the future. It’s an ambitious yet achievable path, demanding commitment, innovation, and unwavering focus. With the right investments and policies in place, a decarbonized power sector by 2050 is not just a dream but an impending reality.