Step-by-Step Guide to achieve Zero waste reporting credits 3: Generating a Climate Impact Report using the U.S. EPA WARM Model  for TRUE Certification

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In order to achieve true certification, it is important to comply with certain standards and requirements. One such standard is the Zero Waste Reporting Credit 3, which focuses on generating a climate impact report using the U.S. EPA WARM model. In this article, we will discuss the steps required to comply with this credit.

Intent and Requirements

The intent of this credit is to understand the environmental benefits of waste reduction activities. In order to comply with this credit, data must be entered into the U.S. EPA’s WARM model tool for all applicable material types on an annual basis at a minimum. The generated report must be saved and submitted as part of the compliance documentation.

Potential Strategies

To comply with this credit, businesses must first identify the commodities that are diverted and waste disposed of that match the inputs of the WARM model. Weight data must be collected and input for the baseline year or scenario as well as the current year. All questions in the tool must be answered, and a report must be generated that lists environmental benefits such as net greenhouse gas emissions saved, total BTUs saved, oil saved, gas saved, and the reduction of “average” passenger cars on the road per year. These outputs can then be included in annual sustainability reports.

Submission Documentation

The only documentation required for compliance with this credit is the report generated from the EPA’s WARM model. However, it is important to ensure that all necessary data is collected and entered into the model accurately.

Complying with Zero Waste Reporting Credit 3 can be a valuable tool for businesses seeking to reduce their environmental impact. By generating a climate impact report using the U.S. EPA WARM model, businesses can better understand the environmental benefits of their waste reduction activities. By following the steps outlined above, businesses can achieve true certification and be recognized for their sustainability efforts.