Right Sizing of Dustbin: An Effective Strategy for Waste Reduction

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Introduction: Waste generation has become a significant concern globally, with landfills becoming full and the environment being adversely affected. The issue of waste reduction has become a top priority for many businesses and communities, with the need to reduce carbon footprints and protect the environment. Right sizing of dustbins is a proven strategy that can help reduce waste and improve waste management efficiency. This article will outline the process of right sizing of dustbins and provide a sample calculation to illustrate the potential for waste reduction and carbon credit generation.

Methodology: The right sizing of dustbins involves evaluating the current containers’ size and pick-up schedule and adjusting them accordingly to match the waste generation. The evaluation process involves physical observation of the container, review of certified weight tickets, and an appropriate period of time to address temporal variations in material generation and pick-up schedules. The trash/landfill containers should be reallocated to storage areas or used for reusables, recyclables, or compostables. The periodic review strategy should be documented, and any adjustments in service levels should be recorded.

Sample Calculation: Assuming a business generates 1000 kg of waste per week, and the current dustbin size is 10 cubic meters, with two pickups per week, we can calculate the right size of the dustbin as follows:

Average waste generated per day = 1000 kg/7 days = 142.85 kg/day Volume of dustbin required per day = 142.85 kg/day / 0.8 kg/m3 = 178.56 m3/day Volume of dustbin required per week = 178.56 m3/day * 7 days = 1250.92 m3/week The right size of the dustbin is 1250.92 m3/week, which is an increase from the current size of 10 cubic meters.

Conclusion: Right sizing of dustbins is a simple yet effective strategy for waste reduction and improving waste management efficiency. By properly evaluating the container size and pick-up schedule, businesses can reduce waste generation and improve their carbon footprint. The process is easily replicable and can be documented for future reference. With the proper documentation, businesses can apply for carbon credits, making right sizing of dustbins a valuable investment for sustainability.

Sample table for container sizing

Material TypePrevious Container Size (litres)Previous Pick-up Frequency (days)New Container Size (litres)New Pick-up Frequency (days)
Organic Waste660311005