‘‘Green Buildings” – The Vital Need for India

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Majority of the infrastructure projects impose bad impacts on environment. Due to rapid urbanization in the country, the energy consumption is more than 60% in residential real estate projects. Green Building is the only solution which works towards achieving the sustainability.

India has about 750+ LEED Certified projects as of 2018.  According to US Green Building Survey, January 2018 about 20 million square meters of area in India is covered by green buildings.

Other than LEED there are more Green building certification systems such as GRIHA and IGBC .

So, there is a big need to make more and more green buildings to counter all the problems which are caused by the ordinary buildings.

To fulfil the demand of residential units in india government has launched many Housing and Infrastructure Development initiatives at Central as well as state level e.g. Smart Cities Mission (SCM), Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) etc.Thus need and demand for green buildings has grown huge to make cities and human life safe and sustainable.


-promote sustainability without disturbing natural habitats

-enhancing quality of life and tackle problem of depleting natural resources.

-cut down energy consumption, save money. -efficient use of resources available.