Provision of Additional FAR in Haryana for Achieving Green Building Certification (LEED/GRIHA/IGBC)

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The Haryana Building Code-2017 provides additional Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for achieving Green Building ratings from Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA), Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). 

The details of Requirements and additional FAR stated in chapter 6 clause 6.5 of Haryana Building Code 2017 is described below.

Green building measures and incentives

  • For reducing consumption of total energy, fresh potable water and reduction in total waste generation by modern buildings, the green building measures are to be adopted by all building on various plot sizes above 500 square metres.
  • The applicant shall be awarded benefits of additional Floor Area Ratio (on plot area) for adopting either green norms specified in sub-Code (3) or by getting his building/ site/ project certified from Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA)/LEED/IGBC and achieving rating as specified below
Additional FAR for all building uses (except plotted residential) 3% 6% 9% 12% 15%
GRIHA rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star
IGBC/LEED rating Silver Gold Platinum

The details of green norms and additional Floor Area Ratio (FAR):

(i)   For installing solar photovoltaic power plant:

Generating power in respect of total connected load of building from solar photovoltaic power plant 15 to 25% 26 to 50% 51            to 75% 76 to 100%
Additional FAR for all building uses (except plotted residential) 3% 6%

(ii) For installing Solid Waste Management Plant:

Installing Solid Waste Management Plant for treatment of total generated waste. 3% Additional FAR for all building uses (except plotted residential)

Procedure for availing incentive:

  • The applicant is required to submit provisional rating from GRIHA/LEED/IGBC at the time of submission of building plan application to the Competent Authority.
  • At the time of applying for Occupation Certificate of building, the applicant is required to submit final rating from GRIHA/LEED/IGBC.
  • The Competent Authority only after verifying that the GRIHA/LEED/IGBC rating achieved in final rating is same as provisional rating submitted at the time of building plan application, shall issue the Occupation Certificate:

Provided, in case the final rating achieved is lesser than the provisional rating, the occupation certificate shall be issued after compounding the additional FAR (i.e. difference of additional FAR from provisional rating and final rating) acquired by the applicant, at ten times the rates of EDC applicable at the time of submission of occupation certificate application.

Provided, the applicant may claim additional FAR, if final rating is higher than the provisional rating.

  • The applicant has to submit a rating certificate for the building from GRIHA/LEED/IGBC/ Compliance Certificate with respect to clause 6.5 (3)(Haryana Building Code,2017) [duly issued by Architect or Engineer or Bureau of Energy Efficiency Certified Energy Auditors as the case may be] is to be submitted after every 5 years.