Public works department eyes green technology for building roads

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BHUBANESWAR: The public works department is considering a plan to adopt a pollution-free green road concept as part of which several stretches of roads in the state will be constructed in a sustainable and environment friendly manner. Under the plan, the works department here will collaborate with the CSIRCentral Road Research Institute (CRRI) in New Delhi, which will provide the BitChem ColdMix Technology that will be used in road construction in the state.
Experts said BitChem ColdMix is a technology that ensures zero pollution as it requires no heating. It is an energy-efficient and eco-friendly method of road construction that helps mitigate carbon footprint and also prevents adverse effects on the health of workers.
The move comes after CRRI director Satish Chandra recently wrote to chief minister Naveen Patnaik requesting him for a largescale adoption of CRRI-BitChem ColdMix Technology to build pollution-free green roads in the state.
“Owing to no heating during black-topping activities, the technology helps secure the social impact of removing drudgery for the road construction workers by eliminating health hazards and providing a pollution-free construction,” Chandra had written about the BitChem ColdMix Technology.

He had further said this simple construction mechanism also enhances the speed of construction and presence of additives leads to longer durability compared to conventional hot-mix technology.
“We propose large-scale adoption of this innovative technology to all the states. This can be made a success by engaging in a long-term technology management agreement with CRRI and our technology partner M/s Bitchem,” Chandra had written.
A senior works department official said that they will go for the implementation of this technology on a pilot basis, following which a large-scale adoption of the technology will be made. “We will first assess the outcome and then go for a larger-scale replication of the technology in the state,” the official added.
Road expert Sayed Maqbool Ali too said ColdMix is an innovative technology that will help construct roads in an eco-friendly manner.
“The state should consider the adoption of the green technology in large scale,” he added.

source- Times of India