Step-by-Step Guide to achieve RECYCLE credit 2: Determine End Markets for Recycled Commodities for TRUE Certification

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Achieving the RECYCLE credits for true certification can be a challenging but rewarding process for facilities seeking to improve their waste management practices. One of the key credits under RECYCLE is Credit 2, which requires facilities to determine the end markets for their recycled commodities. Here are some steps that can help facilities achieve this credit:

  1. Identify all recycling vendors and locations: The first step is to identify all recycling vendors and their locations that the facility is using. This includes both onsite and offsite recycling vendors. Make a list of all the vendors and their contact information.
  2. Understand their operations and processes: Next, facilities need to understand the operations and processes of their recycling vendors. This includes understanding how they sort and process the recyclables, and what end products they produce. Ask the vendors for documentation of their processes and end products.
  3. Determine end markets: Based on the documentation provided by the recycling vendors, facilities need to determine the end markets for their recycled commodities. This means identifying the final destination of the recycled materials, such as a manufacturing plant or a recycling center.
  4. Communicate with vendors: Facilities should communicate directly with their recycling vendors to ensure that the materials are being sent to environmentally responsible end markets. Ask vendors about their environmental policies and practices, and request that as many materials as possible remain in local markets.
  5. Visit operations center: If possible, facilities should consider visiting the operations center of their recycling vendors. This can help them better understand the processes and end products of the vendors, and can provide insight into their sustainability practices.
  6. Compile documentation: Finally, facilities should compile all the documentation related to their recycling vendors, including a narrative listing all recycling service providers and their locations, and written documentation from every recycling service provider describing where materials from the facility are sent for final processing after leaving the service provider site.

By following these steps, facilities can achieve RECYCLE Credit 2 and gain a better understanding of the entire lifecycle of materials generated at their facility. This can help them make informed decisions about their waste management practices, and can lead to greater sustainability and environmental benefits.