Sweden to help India in building climate neutral smart city

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Swedish companies will help to build India’s first climate neutral city in Gurgaon. During Swedish royal family’s visit to India, Gurgaon based developer, M3M, signed an agreement with the Swedish company to develop 165 acre smart city project which will attract a foreign investment of around US$ 2 billion. According to Will Sibia, Head, International Business and Strategy, Sweco AB, circular economy, inclusive growth and climate resilience and mitigation will be its key focus areas. It will also focus on water conservation, reusability and 100% waste recycling.
Sweco AB is a European engineering consultancy company, active in the fields of construction, architecture, and environmental engineering.
“This will be a mixed use development with both residential and commercial development. The development will be in-line with UN Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement,” said Pankaj Bansal, Director, M3M Group. The smart city will take 7-10 years to complete and will look for foreign investments for different services.
“We will act as system integrators both in terms of finance and technology. We will bring in the best in class knowledge and best in class
technology and the best practices globally to create an eco-governance structure to create India’s first carbon neutral city,” said Sibia.

source- The Economic Times